Amazon’s delivery robot is hanging up its wheels. The company’s latest invention, the Prime Air drone, has been plagued with delays and cost overruns. Amazon has been testing the drone for over a year, but it has not yet released it to the public. The Prime Air drone is designed to deliver packages within minutes to customers’ homes. However, the company has not been able to perfect the technology. The drones have crashed multiple times and have had difficulty navigating through tight spaces. The delivery robot was supposed to revolutionize how products are delivered. However, Amazon’s latest invention has failed to live up to expectations. The company is now looking into other options for delivering products, such as using trucks or drones. ..

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This isn’t quite a full retirement. The Scout will not be taken into the woods and shot, or forced into the risky life of a bomb-defusing robot. Instead, the program is being reoriented.

“As a result, we are ending our field tests and reorienting the program.”

According to Bloomberg, there were approximately 400 workers on the project, and nearly all will be moved to other teams, leaving behind a skeleton crew to explore autonomous robots.