Apex Legends is a new battle royale game that’s quickly gaining popularity. It’s available on Windows, Mac, and Xbox One, but now Linux users can get in on the action thanks to the Steam Deck. The Steam Deck is a tool that lets you play Apex Legends on your Linux computer. It’s not a full game client like the ones for Windows and Mac, but it does let you play the game without any problems. The only thing you need is a copy of Apex Legends and the Steam Client installed on your computer. The Steam Deck was created by developer Valve in collaboration with Respawn Entertainment, the company behind Apex Legends. It lets you use your mouse and keyboard to control characters in the game instead of using a controller. This makes it perfect for Linux users who don’t want to spend money on an Xbox One or a Mac gaming rig. Apex Legends is already one of the most popular games on Steam, with over 10 million players registered so far. The game has been praised for its unique battle royale gameplay and its impressive graphics. If you’re looking for something new to try out this year, Apex Legends should be at the top of your list. ..

If you’ve been worried about whether you’d be able to play Apex Legends on your Steam Deck, you no longer need to worry, as the game has officially been verified to work on Valve’s Linux-based handheld gaming PC.

You can see the full list of verified games on the Steam Deck website. The recently verified games are at the top of the page, and Apex Legends is right near the beginning of the list. The newly-released From Software game Elden Ring is also right at the top of the list.

Valve is adding more games to the Steam Deck, and by extension, to Linux. “The Steam Deck compatibility review process is ongoing: there are tens of thousands of titles already released on Steam, and new titles and game updates publish every day,” reads the company’s Steam Deck website.

Thanks to the Steam Deck, many video games are becoming playable on Linux through Proton. “On Steam Deck, your games run on a different operating system than the one on your desktop PC. It’s a new version of SteamOS, built with Steam Deck in mind and optimized for a handheld gaming experience. It comes with Proton, a compatibility layer that makes it possible to run your games without any porting work needed from developers,” says Valve.

While the Steam Deck is great for portable gamers, its impact on Linux gaming is huge, and it’s one of the most underappreciated aspects of the device.

RELATED: How to Use Steam’s “Proton” to Play Windows Games on Linux