As technology continues to evolve, so too does the way we interact with our surroundings. One of the latest innovations is the smart mirror. These mirrors are equipped with sensors that can track your movements and provide you with real-time updates on your appearance. While these mirrors have a lot of potential, there are a few things to consider before making the purchase. For example, are you comfortable having a camera in your bathroom? If not, then a smart mirror may not be for you. Additionally, how often will you use the features offered by the mirror? If you only use it once or twice a year, then it may not be worth investing in one. Overall, if you’re interested in purchasing a smart mirror, it’s important to do your research first. There are plenty of options out there and it can be hard to decide which is right for you. ..

Smart bathroom mirrors do more than give you 6.5 years of bad luck instead of 7 after breaking them. They can frame your beautiful visage with adjustable LED lights, let you check the weather and email, and even provide feedback on skin flaws over time, in case you want to feel even more self-conscious than usual.

There are tons of features to look at momentarily instead of your face, though your face is the default wallpaper you always end up back at.

“I Need to Use the Bathroom!”

Take the Gesipor Smart Bathroom Mirror, which probably causes owners to touch it just to check for another dimension on the other side. It lets you adjust the brightness of the framing light to suit whatever activity you’re doing (for those who like to poop in a nice warm glow) and features an anti-fog setting, so you don’t have to wait to see yourself after showering.

The Capstone Touch Screen Smart Mirror basically does everything your smartphone can do, but with more you. Able to to fully integrate with your smartphone and voice assistants, you can use it to play music and browse online (“Why do I look old?”), and leave digital notes for your spouse in the bathroom in case the whole steam-based message system isn’t cutting it.

Would mirrors with Wi-Fi be a nightmare for parents who already have a teenager spending too much time in the bathroom? Probably.

Perhaps most frightening of the smart bathroom mirror features are ones that use skin analysis technology. The HiMirror Slide allows women to track minor skin conditions over time, like dark circles and fine lines, and for about $1,900 more, the Magic Mirror Max uses RGB visible light, PL polarized light, and UV spectrum imaging technology to analyze skin problems and predict your face’s future.

Personally, I would never look into such a mirror because my flaws would overwhelm its memory system. And if I found out my daughter had one of these (if I had kids), I’d throw it in the fireplace immediately while she yelled at me and slammed the door. But I’m sure they’re both wonderful products.

These Mirrors Would Tell You to Buy Them

If you asked these mirrors whether you should buy a smart bathroom mirror, they’d probably say yes. Among all the smart products, a smart mirror is a pretty specific need because, generally, no one looks at a plain mirror and thinks it’s missing something. Can I see myself? Check. Still not a vampire.

Maybe it all depends on whether you have a healthy self-image. If you tend to minimize your time in front of a mirror, and sometimes react to a friend taking a picture like James Caan smashing a camera and throwing down cash in The Godfather, it’s probably not worth investing in one of these. But if you’re one of those people who regularly takes selfies everywhere they go like a jackass, feel free to smarten it up.

Smart, fully-integrated bathroom mirrors are best for those who like to conduct other business while conducting their business in the bathroom. I don’t even like bringing books in there. It seems more like a place where you should be focusing on the task at hand, and if you feel the need to multitask while brushing your teeth or pooping, perhaps it’s best to simplify your life first.

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