If you’re like most people, you’re probably concerned about the air quality in your home. And if you’re like most people, you also want to do everything you can to improve it. That’s why it’s important to choose the right air purifier for your needs. Here are some tips on how to choose the best air purifier for your home:

  1. Consider Your Needs The first step is to consider what kind of air purifier you need. There are three main types of air purifiers: mechanical filters, activated carbon filters, and ozone generators. Mechanical filters work by trapping particles and allergens with a physical barrier. They’re usually the cheapest option and are good for small spaces or areas with few allergies. Activated carbon filters work by absorbing chemicals and odors from the air. They’re more expensive than mechanical filters but are better at removing pollutants such as smoke and pet dander. Ozone generators produce ozone, which is a powerful oxidizer that can kill bacteria and other microorganisms in the air. They’re usually more expensive than either type of filter but are good for large spaces or areas with high levels of pollution.
  2. Consider Your Budget Air purifiers come in all shapes and sizes, from small tabletop models that cost around $50 to high-end units that can cost hundreds of dollars. It’s important to consider your budget when choosing an air purifier because not all models offer the same level of protection or features.
  3. Consider Your Needs Again Once you’ve decided on which type of filter your needs, it’s time to decide what kind of filter system you need: a single-stage system or a two-stage system? A single-stage system uses one type of filter while a two-stage system uses both types of filters together (usually activated carbon and mechanical filters). Which type is best for you depends on factors such as allergies and room ..

Where in Your Home to Put an Air Purifier

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the best placement for an air purifier. It depends on many factors, including the specifics of your air purifier, your home, and where you spend the most time. You should ideally start thinking about the placement of your air purifier while you are shopping for it. This is because the number of air purifiers you are buying and how big of an area they can efficiently clean will play a significant role in where you will put your air purifier.

In the best-case scenario, you have air purifiers for each room where you spend a significant amount of time in your home. So then, you only have to think about where to put those air purifiers in their respective rooms. But if you only have one air purifier, it’s best to put it in the room where you spend the most time. For most people, that’s the bedroom, as we spend almost one-third of our lives sleeping. But if you work from home, you can also put it in your home office as you would spend a lot of time there.

Air purifiers can also be moved between locations as your day progresses. So an air purifier can be in your bedroom while you sleep and in your home office or living space during the day. However, remember that some air purifiers can be heavy or clunky to move around. So if you think you’ll be moving the air purifier frequently, it’s a good idea to invest in one with casters and handles.

Where to Place It in a Room

Once you have picked the room where your air purifier will go, you have to decide exactly where in the room to position it. The best placement is typically the center of the room as it allows the air purifier to distribute filtered air in every direction for the most efficient operation. But because of cable lengths and how we tend to arrange our furniture, that’s rarely possible.

So the next best placement is placing the air purifier in areas with the best airflow as that would help the cleaned air to reach everywhere quickly. For example, areas around a doorway or near windows are typically best for airflow. On the other hand, corners have the worst airflow, so avoid putting your air purifier in a corner.

You can also put it next to a pollution source, such as mold build-up, pet living spaces, or vents, to efficiently and quickly catch any contaminants before they spread. Additionally, placing the air purifier three to five feet above the ground is recommended to take advantage of both horizontal and vertical air movement.

Lastly, ensure there’s enough space around the air purifier so its inlet and outlet are not obstructed.

Can You Run It 24/7?

Now that you have set up your air purifier, you may wonder whether you should run it permanently or if a few hours is fine.

It’s widely recommended that you should leave your air purifier switched on continuously for the best experience. This is because the air in your home is constantly changing. Whether it’s the outside air that brings in pollutants or something inside the house that’s releasing contaminants, it doesn’t take very long for the filtered air to get polluted again. So keeping the air purifier running all the time is ideal, and there is no harm in doing so because it’s typically built to run 24/7.

But if you don’t want or can’t run it continuously, there are times when you can switch off an air purifier. For example, if you and your family are going out for several hours or days and no one is going to be home, then you can switch it off while leaving and turn it on when you are back. In addition, many air purifiers these days have built-in smart functions, so you can also schedule it to turn on one hour before your return to ensure you are greeted by filtered air.

Additionally, if you have multiple air purifiers in your home, you can turn off all except the ones in bedrooms when you sleep.

Some people run their air purifiers intermittently over power usage concerns. But, unlike many other appliances in our households, air purifiers consume relatively low power. For example, on average, an air purifier uses around 50W of power, meaning it will utilize at most 1.25kW power in 24 hours. So even if you run it for an entire year 24/7, you will end up with only 465kW power consumption, or $91 in power billed at 20 cents per kWh rate.

RELATED: How Much Electricity Do All Your Appliances Use?

Get the Best Performance

The location of your air purifier can significantly impact its performance. So it’s a good idea to spend some time and figure out the best spot before just stuffing it out of the view. Hopefully, our recommendations will help you choose that spot. Additionally, consider running it at all times to get the best performance. Finally, our best air purifiers buying guide can help if you are still deciding between air purifiers or thinking of upgrading.