Steam is a popular gaming platform with millions of users. However, there are some people who have reported that they have been experiencing pop-up ads on the platform. This can be a nuisance because it can prevent you from playing your favorite games. To disable Steam’s pop-up ads, you first need to sign in to the platform and then open the “Settings” menu. There, you will find a “Pop-Up Ads” section. Under this section, you will need to set a rule so that pop-up ads are not displayed on the platform. You can either choose to disable all pop-up ads or just certain types of them. For example, you can choose to disable all pop-up ads that are related to in-game items or transactions. You can also choose to disable pop-up ads that are displayed when you try to join a game or sign in for the first time. If you decide to disable all pop-up ads on Steam, be sure to set up an exception for those that are necessary for your game play experience. This way, you will still be able to play your favorite games without fear of being bombarded with popup ads.

When you launch Steam, it normally shows a pop-up window with advertisements for updates to games you own and new games. Here’s how to turn those popup ads off.

This feature is located in Steam’s Settings menu, which you can access by clicking “Steam” in the top-left corner and selecting “Settings.”

If you’re on a Mac, you can also use a hotkey to open up the Steam Preferences menu. Press Cmd+, to launch it.

Once you’re in the Settings or Preferences window, click the “Interface” tab at the left side of the window.

Uncheck the “Notify Me About Additions Or Changes To My Games, New Releases, And Upcoming Releases” box to disable the ads.

When you’ve altered this setting as desired, click “OK” to confirm your changes. If you ever want to start seeing these ads pop up again, you can simply return to this menu and reenable the setting.

Steam’s pop-ups do make it easy to keep an eye out for updates or new releases that might interest you. However, you can disable this annoying pop-up and instead find interesting titles by customizing your Steam search settings.

RELATED: How to Customize Steam Search Settings