If you need to insert a new row in Excel, but don’t have the time or inclination to use the mouse, there’s an easy way to do it using the keyboard. To insert a new row in Excel, first open the file you want to work with and then press “Ctrl+N” (or use the “New” button on your toolbar). This will create a new blank sheet in your workbook. Now, type in the number of rows you want to insert (in this example, we’ll use 2), and then press “Enter.” Excel will automatically fill in the column labels for you. Just make sure that the column you’re inserting into is on the left side of your screen (as shown in Figure A). ..

If you are a keyboard ninja, then you hate having to move your hands from the keyboard for any reason unless there is no other option. Today’s SuperUser Q&A post provides multiple ways to help a frustrated reader keep his hands on the keyboard while using Microsoft Excel.

Today’s Question & Answer session comes to us courtesy of SuperUser—a subdivision of Stack Exchange, a community-driven grouping of Q&A web sites.

The Question

SuperUser reader jstricker wants to know how to insert new rows in Excel using a keyboard instead of a mouse:

Is there an easy way to insert new rows in Excel using a keyboard?

The Answer

SuperUser contributors jstricker, ATG, KRyan, BillOer, and assylias have the answer for us. First up, jstricker:

Followed by the answer from ATG:

Option 1

With a single cell selected, hit Shift + Space to select the row. Hit Control + Shift + + (Plus Sign) to insert a row above the current row.

Option 2

With a single cell selected, hit Control + Shift + + (Plus Sign) to insert a row. Hit Enter to accept the default of Shift Cells Down.

If inserting many rows at once, I think the first option is the best since you can repeat the second step without having to re-select the row.

Then the answer from KRyan:

Press Alt + I (Insert), then press R (Row).

On personal computers, use the Keyboard Right-Click Key to emulate a right-click on the current selection.

Additional note from ATG: Substituting C for R will insert a new column.

Followed by the answer from BillOer:

And our final answer from assylias:

Have something to add to the explanation? Sound off in the comments. Want to read more answers from other tech-savvy Stack Exchange users? Check out the full discussion thread here.

Shift + Space to select the current row. Keyboard Right-Click Key + I to insert a row.

(*) The Keyboard Right-Click Key looks like this: