Kubernetes is a popular open-source platform for managing clusters of machines that run applications. It has become increasingly popular in the last few years, as it offers a reliable, scalable, and affordable platform for deploying applications. Kubernetes is composed of several components, including the Kubernetes control plane (kube-controller-manager), which manages the nodes in the cluster; and the Kubernetes worker nodes (kube-worker), which run applications. One important component of Kubernetes is its certificate management system (CMS). Cert-Manager is a tool that helps administrators install and manage certificates for their nodes in a Kubernetes cluster. Certificates are used to secure communications between nodes in a cluster and to verify the identity of users accessing applications running on those nodes. Cert-Manager also lets administrators install certificates from Let’s Encrypt, an organization that provides free SSL/TLS certificates for websites. To install Cert-Manager on your Kubernetes cluster, follow these steps:

  1. Download and install the Cert-Manager software package from https://certmgr.org/. The package includes both the Cert-Manager agent and an accompanying certificate management web application (CMA). You can also use this web application to manage your certificates offline.
  2. Start the Cert-Manager agent on each node in your cluster by running kubectl start certmgr . The agent will start automatically if it is not already running. If you have installed Cert-Manager on multiple machines at different locations, you may need to specify which machine should act as the certmgr server when starting up your cluster: kubectl config set certmgrserver=<machine_name> . You can also specify which node should act as certmgr server by setting kubeconfig variable CERTMGR_SERVER . For more information about setting up Certificate ..

Cert-Manager automates the provisioning of certificates within Kubernetes clusters. It provides a set of custom resources to issue certificates and attach them to services.

One of the most common use cases is securing web apps and APIs with SSL certificates from Let’s Encrypt. Here’s how to add Cert-Manager to your cluster, set up a Let’s Encrypt certificate issuer, and acquire a certificate for Pods exposed via an Ingress.

Installing Cert-Manager

Cert-Manager is easiest to install using Helm. Helm is a Kubernetes package manager which lets you add applications to your cluster using repositories of pre-built charts. Make sure you’ve got Helm installed and setup with a connection to your Kubernetes cluster.

Begin by adding the Jetstack repository to your Helm installation. Jetstack originally developed Cert-Manager before it was donated to the CNCF.

Now install Cert-Manager into your cluster:

Replace the version number shown above with the latest release shown in the Cert-Manager documentation.

The command will install Cert-Manager in a new Kubernetes namespace called cert-manager. The installCRDs setting will add Cert-Manager’s custom Kubernetes resources during the installation. This only works with Helm version 3.2 and newer – if you’re using an older version, you must manually add the resource definitions with Kubectl:

Adding the Kubectl Plugin

Cert-Manager has a Kubectl plugin which simplifies some common management tasks. It also lets you check whether Cert-Manager is up and ready to serve requests.

Install the plugin by downloading its archive and extracting it to the correct directory:

Now use the plugin to check your Cert-Manager installation is working:

You should see the following output:

Now you’re ready to add an issuer to get certificates from Let’s Encrypt.

Creating a Certificate Issuer

Issuers and cluster issuers are resources which supply certificates to your cluster. The basic Cert-Manager installation created so far is incapable of issuing certificates. Adding an issuer that’s configured to use Let’s Encrypt lets you dynamically acquire new certificates for services in your cluster.

Create a YAML file in your working directory and name it issuer.yml. Add the following content:

You must replace the email address with your own contact email. This will be included in your certificates. Let’s Encrypt may also email you at the address if it needs to send you alerts about your certificates.

We’re creating a ClusterIssuer as these are available to all resources in your cluster, irrespective of namespace. A standard Issuer is a namespaced resource which can only supply certificates within its own namespace.

Our issuer configuration instructs Cert-Manager to get certificates from the Let’s Encrypt staging server. It’s a good idea to use the staging environment while you’re setting up your integration to avoid hitting Let’s Encrypt’s stringent production rate limits.

Use kubectl to add the issuer to your cluster:

Getting a Certificate

Now you can use your issuer to acquire a certificate for a service exposed via an Ingress resource. Cert-Manager automatically monitors Ingress resources and creates certificates using the configuration in their tls field. You just need to add an annotation that names the issuer or cluster issuer you want to use.

This YAML file defines a Pod, a Service, and an Ingress exposing the service. It assumes use of nginx-ingress as the Ingress controller. The Pod runs a WordPress container which will be accessible over HTTPS at example.com.

The presence of the cert-manager.io/cluster-issuer annotation in the Ingress resource will be detected by Cert-Manager. It’ll use the letsencrypt-staging cluster issuer created earlier to acquire a certificate covering the hostnames defined in the Ingress’ tls.hosts field.

Using Let’s Encrypt in Production

Once you’ve successfully acquired a staging certificate, you can migrate to the Let’s Encrypt production servers. Staging certificates are valid but not trusted by browsers so you must get a production replacement before putting your site live.

It’s best to add a separate cluster issuer for the production server. You can then reference the appropriate issuer in each of your Ingress resources, depending on whether they’re production-ready.

Copy the issuer configuration shown above and change the name fields to letsencrypt-production. Next, replace the server URL with the value shown below:

Create the new issuer in your cluster:

Update your Ingress resource to request a production certificate by changing the value of the cert-manager.io/cluster-issuer annotation to letsencrypt-production (or the name you assigned to your own production issuer). Use kubectl to apply the change:

You should now have fully functioning HTTPS enabled for your Ingress resource. Cert-Manager will automatically manage your certificates and renew them before they expire.

Upgrading Cert-Manager

Cert-Manager releases usually support in-place upgrades with Helm:

Certificates remain available during upgrades but the renewal process will be halted.

Although upgrades are now normally straightforward, you should always review the release notes to identify potential changes you need to make. This is particularly important if you’re upgrading Kubernetes or moving through several Cert-Manager versions. If you’re still using an older Kubernetes release, you might be on an obsolete Cert-Manager version that requires significant manual intervention to bring up to date.


Let’s Encrypt is easily added to a Kubernetes cluster using Cert-Manager. You need to install Cert-Manager with Helm, create an issuer that uses the Let’s Encrypt API, then reference that issuer in your Ingress resources.

You can supply Cert-Manager with your own configuration for more advanced use cases. You can specify a certificate lifetime (use the cert-manager.io/duration Ingress annotation), manually declare the certificate’s common name (cert-manager.io/common-name), and use DNS challenges instead of HTTP. The latter option can be useful in specific scenarios, such as when you want to acquire a wildcard certificate.

Straightforward usage to protect web apps and APIs should work as-is using the resources shown above. HTTP verification works by manipulating the Ingress controller to provide a temporary .well-known URL that Let’s Encrypt can access. If your domain provides the correct value at that URL, Let’s Encrypt trusts you’re in control and issues the certificate.