If you’re like most people, you probably have a lot of things in your phone that you want to buy. But if you’re like me, sometimes it’s hard to find the right place to buy something. So I’ve put together a few tips on how to use Amazon’s barcode scanner to easily buy anything from your phone.

  1. Start by opening Amazon’s website and searching for the product you want to buy. You can do this by using the search bar on the top left of the website or by using the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl+F.”
  2. Once you’ve found the product, click on it and then click on “Add To Cart.” This will take you to a page where you can enter your information and pay for your purchase.
  3. After payment is complete, click on “Confirm Order” and then “submit order.” This will take you back to the “Add To Cart” page and will show your order as being processed.
  4. When your order is complete, click on “Cancel Order” and then “submit order.” This will take you back to the “Add To Cart” page and will show your order as being processed but with an error message saying that it was not processed because there was an error with your credit card information.
  5. If everything goes according to plan, eventually your order will be processed and you’ll be able to check out!

For an example of how useful this is: I was at somebody else’s house the other day and had some tasty wasabi peas. Since I wanted some for myself, I just pulled out my phone, snapped the barcode, and ordered them right then and there from my phone.

Scanning Products the Easy Way

You’ll be presented with a normal barcode scanner, which you just have to point at the product.

Obviously this isn’t a how-to article, but it’s something extremely useful that we figured we’d share.